9 ways for seniors to beat the winter blues in New York City…. As we all can attest to, it’s been a long, cold and brutal winter. Just because you’re getti...
If you’re going to hire a Professional Namer/Sloganeer to craft names, create taglines or write other short-form copy for your business, you’ll naturally need to see some examples of their work. The following are samples of copy I have written for various businesses, products and services. I hope you enjoy reading these samples as much as I've enjoyed writing them!
From Vinyl To Music Downloads On a bright, sunny, Tuesday afternoon, 35 years ago, I remember declaring my independence, packing up my old Datsun 240 Z and ...
Join Us For Our 25 Year Celebration Relocating is an exciting, but complex time in one’s life. However, hiring a qualified team of professionals to help wit...